nak apa?

life is going well 'till tday.
ada laa sikit2 chaos which is aku rasa tade la memberi impak into mylife.
the past is past.

and after all, when u just can ignore them and keep your life going,
the head pun tak pening, life pon smooth,
i could call it as matang.
well, i have been thru 34 this year, harus la matang kan.
*kadang2 tidak juga.

sometimes we just let people do whatever they want to do to our life
without fighting back that on apa yang kita sendiri nak dalam hidup kita.
it is not being selfish but jangan jadi insan yang lemah dan biarkan orang buat kita.
the phrase of 'biar orang buat kita, jangan kita buat orang' should be revised a little which is should be 'jangan biar orang buat kita' kinda thing.

and this...i wonder have created haters pretty much.
sebelum ni pun haters ade time kita elok2 ada caring about the crowd, and most gave their empathy dan mgkin memandang kita dengan hati yg kesian.
oh, dunia.

bila kita jadi seperti apa yg org treat kita, tahu pula melenting.
but it is what you want us to be, dont mean lah kan.
then out of sudden the rumors spread and kills.
what a life.

dah tu nak apa?


  1. salam..
    kan artis selalu cakap..'haters gonna hate."
    aku tak pernah peduli kalau ada orang benci aku..?
    lantak kau lah..ada aku kesah?

  2. wslm. kalau boleh buat tatau xpe. ni kalau dah jumpa ari2 semak juge.hehe. tapi tergamaknya laa kan.huhu


dah tekan kena laa tulis.