perasaan je semua tu

dah mula episod studeng aku untuk semester ke 3.
the chaos is back.
dan biasa la, time aku cuti sem, leisure dia mmg amat.
bila bz, pressure dia datang bertimpa-timpa.

biasala student sarjana ni, dimomokkan dengan "susahnya nak buat research" bla, bla..
mmg dah, amik 1st class 2 slot ngn Dr. Noorman dah membuatkan aku rasa sgt arghh dengan benda alah ni. aku kan mikir deep. ayat yang simple tapi makan dalam is "well, this is about the worry pls, ur research wont rock the world pon of course.." maksudnya takyah ko nak beria2 sgt. the answer is after aku provoke soalan pasal population n sample utk research tu. amekaw!

ayat bos aku tadi after aku propose nak g bengkel penulisan kertas kj research was like
"awak tak reti-reti lagi ke nak buat research proposal?".
nak menangis laju-laju sambil melompat aku rase.
that was almost 8 years ago when i did my degree.
even lecturer tu ckp u must have exttra effort coz u may not get all in my limited time with you.
my God, i am not that intelligent.
Guide me pls.

aku tgh structure kehidupan aku ni.
tadi baru anta oren masuk workshop.
sedey plak mcm bpisah ngn boipren-yg-tak-dianggap. (eh!)
arapnya pakcik tu buat abes baik utk kebaikan kita bsama, kan Ren.

psl Mister tu, aku biarkan dah dia begitu.
let time decides. after May boleh?
aku ni mmg tak kuat iman lah bab2 ni.
sukar sukar.
tapi aku takmo org buat mcm tu kat ksygn aku nanti.
dia pun laa hai..
dah2..kata nak stop dah mikir psl dia.
tu research framework duk tunggu.

k bai.

kind of.
sbb dia mcm average je dari ape test2 psikologi yg pnah aku buat.
ok, let lower the standard and trust others.
hey!i trust others lah!how come u.

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