'sedang apa dan di mana.....'
itu satu baris lirik lagu..
saya tak pasti apa yg bermain2 di fikiran saya.
now back to work..
just now i was at Sesi Perkongsian Amalan Terbaik 3 kampus Zon Selatan.
lots have been discussed, few of them i knew, and lots i didnt..
saya budak baru belajar.
actually my name din included pun dalam barisan yg kna attend.
my chief jawatankuasa ada hal, then i was called to represent him..
asyik represent org saja..huhu..
but anyhow, i take the oppurtunities to learn how the culture, what they discuss, and what actually happen in our campus..and then i can relate this and that into my role in my department especially, and campus mainly.
well, we are into globalized uni, but our mind arent..
hanya a part of us do, but mana hala yg the rest?
Prof Dr Hazman also said just now 'you do not do reports, things so-on-so-forth to us(inQKA), but do it for yourselves, ur campus.'...
yup,kdg2 kita terlampau nak kejo deadline, sampai xpdulik mcm2.
at least apa yg dapat after audit?xnampak hasil.
document what we do, do what we document.
then tambahbaik mana yg dah ada.
itu spatutnya.
ini masa nak diaudit baru nk wujudkan mcm2.
takut kena teguran ketidakpatuhan.
Puan Hairani (who was my formerlecture) said, kdg2 bahasa dlm pengauditan dihalusi sbb takut auditee terasa, tertekan dan sebagainya.
haih..itu laa kan.mcm2.
saya sbagai auditor baru blaja.
juga auditee baru blaja..
mcm2 saya blaja kat sini.
ok lah, pendapat, masing2.
mcm2 yg dicerita, dikongsi.
now i get my feet back on the ground where i am.
even saya kat blakang mcm nak tongkat mata ngn botol mineral since start from 8.30 'till 13.00 kot.
tapi xpe, at least i got sumting from there.
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