sunday blues

hi sunday!!
but the sun doesnt sunny like always tday.
gelap mendung saja..
aku pon rasa ngantuk dan lemau serta sedey (*pehal kan tetiba)

sedey aku ni meleret2.
bcampur baur dgn emosi-bendera skali..
sayu je tgk kwn lama x jumpa.
lain aku rasa. he looked just not-like-before.
well, we are just, full of things to think.
thanks God giving us strength and love for us to walk thru..

yes fren, we are given roads, with choices.
no regret and no turning back for the road taken
apa yg boleh kitabuat is, going thru...
and trying to understand why-why-why we (are chosen) on that road.

oh...aney and her roads...

sudut yang lain..

kita sbnrnya cuba berselindung.
menutup kebenaran.
untuk sebab apa? aku tak pasti.
ye, aku sendiri. engkau juga.dia pun juga.
adakah sbb menjaga air muka, atau menjaga taraf diri.
oh, apakah.

life, what d'u expect then...

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