i am sooo exhausted for things around in these few weeks.
and i feel like want to let all these go and run to the place to find the real peace, and come to sort all these all over again. when too much things come, it become messes.
and the life feel miserable and unmanageable.
i dont like that and i feel like, i am not me.
then, myself just feel like, ah lantak kaulah.
which is not good for me ..
and also the crowd.
i myself is a kind of people who is able to digest things even taking few time sbb aku ni blur2 but still i try mybest for everything.
but then if you smash my effort with the harsh words, aku mmg rasa mcm chill-lakes la ko kan..
when i ask you what should i do then ko suh aku pk, bila aku pk itu tak kena ini tak kena.
so why not only u do all those things.
baru u sorg puas hati dengan semuanya.
work under pressure is kind of people would lie in all interviews..
Allah, help me to manage these.
Thank you.
at these hours i miss people who would ask and comfort me in all ways:-
"hows life?"
"balik kj dah ke?"
"smpai blom?"
"sampai nt btau"
"sorry smlm ttido, ..(keep cont. the lastnite topic).."
"all is well, jom lunch"
even u delete all the conversation on phone, u still have the main memory storage in your head.
so, would u erase them too?
how? bang ur head on wall?
itu lah dia kan.. oh my God..ehy...
mesti dia tengah susah hati kalo tetiba texted di pagi hari.
pagi yang selepas dua tiga minit punch in.huhu
pagi yang selepas dua tiga minit punch in.huhu
i just ..can feel it..
beb, smlm mimpi lg.
for this week asyik dia je dlm mimpi aku.
that day when i was at mall, i just saw a man with his face.
know what, that face did disturb me to stare smpai abes kelibat..
aku giler ke hapa.
my God, help these two people to achieve their good things in their life.
i am no longer with them.
but still i want the best for them.
and yet, pls dont let us meet in any circumstance.
i dont want to drag mylife to theirs...again.
jika bukan untuk longterm..
pls Allah...plsss...
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kenaikan pangkat secara fleksi awarded in 15 nov. berkuatkuasa 3 sept tapi. alhamdulillah. aku mcm tau je sape yg proposed benda ni. thanx for all crowds who support my career. may Allah bless |
actually this is my 2nd recognition from uitm since i work on 2008.
jatuh bangun nak terbalik nak pengsan smua ade.
org suka, pastu tak suka, pastu suka balik, org mnyampah meluat semua ade kot.
aku ape kesah selagi buat benda betoi..ye dakk..
tapi kadang2 aku terfikir gak.
pastu membawa diri dan muncul balik.
ah..kesah lama, ape nak dikenang.
mulanya bila dapat tau kwn2 dah dapat surat dulu, aku macam, owh-ok..nanti2 dpt la tu.
bila rektor panggil g bilik meeting dia , rasa dia dah mai.
aku tatau nk express camana.
aku bukan riak tau, aku just omg-after-these-all..
tapi APC 2010 tu aku lagi puas ati, selepas aku mcm berhempas pulas.
pengalaman semua tu kan.
baru 7 tahun beb, ko ade lagi 20 tahun nak service ni..
banyak lagi nak kena hadap.
aku tak pernah anggap smua kj is mudah.
dats y i struggle at mybest for everything.
bukan hanya nak puaskan ati org, tapi diri sndiri.
kind of, ko bleh goyang kaki kah kalo ko hanya hulurkan effort yg sedikit utk sesuatu dan the rest org yg siapkan keja ko..
aku tak boleh dowh. maap..
mende melalut ni mek memalam.
ade sikit lagi points dlm asgmt draft project mgt tu.
esok kena outstation, waste 2 malam. struggle pls!
diet tak jadi
bila nak jadi berdiet ni..
membimbangkan betul bila baju2 dah tak muat kat perut ni.
it feels like a loser.
duk google2 camana nak diet dengan tak bersukan.
aku mmg malas nk bsenam.
dtg keja mmg akan duduk je kat krusi ni smpai ke balik.
they always say, ur chair has glue or what..
huhu..they always see me sticking on this chair all the time.aku bangun untuk g jmpa bos je.
my goodness..really?
naik tangga?
my office, since i work years ago mmg takde tangga.
parking, xsmpai 50 langkah dah smpai opis. mana nak bsenamnya.
better late than never,kann..
baiklah!jom kita start skarang.!
pagi tadi start ngan minuman bijirin.
tgahari ni blom pasti.
i will start with consume plain water sbb aku ni spesis malam minum air.
and have small portion of food sbb juge aku ni kalo makan portion mmg byk, dan mmg lah malas nk makan byk kali. once and big portion, enough. ok fine.shud avoid.
my mum says, at the age of 30 to 40 badan cepat naik kalau tak kawal.
tapi kakja tak naik pon,
adakah perlu cari cleenex juge?
k bai.
membimbangkan betul bila baju2 dah tak muat kat perut ni.
it feels like a loser.
duk google2 camana nak diet dengan tak bersukan.
aku mmg malas nk bsenam.
dtg keja mmg akan duduk je kat krusi ni smpai ke balik.
they always say, ur chair has glue or what..
huhu..they always see me sticking on this chair all the time.aku bangun untuk g jmpa bos je.
my goodness..really?
naik tangga?
my office, since i work years ago mmg takde tangga.
parking, xsmpai 50 langkah dah smpai opis. mana nak bsenamnya.
better late than never,kann..
baiklah!jom kita start skarang.!
pagi tadi start ngan minuman bijirin.
tgahari ni blom pasti.
i will start with consume plain water sbb aku ni spesis malam minum air.
and have small portion of food sbb juge aku ni kalo makan portion mmg byk, dan mmg lah malas nk makan byk kali. once and big portion, enough. ok fine.shud avoid.
my mum says, at the age of 30 to 40 badan cepat naik kalau tak kawal.
tapi kakja tak naik pon,
adakah perlu cari cleenex juge?
k bai.
Polis evo..
Slalu tgk movie asyik2 ketengahkan bahasa utara je kan. Baq mai skali org tranung ngan klate..tudiaaa..
Oke la.smart fun..
Logik ke tak blakang kire.
Alaaahh..citer mat saleh yg xlogik tu pon ko smpai mjerit2..xyah nk sembang sgt lah.
Talking about logik.aku baru siap berkhayal ttg structured english dlm asgmt system tu.
Mygudness dulu bleh tanya senior.skang sebelah depan blkg sumer budak library ko nk g arap sape?
Lectrer CS sorg pon aku xknal.cane nk mintak tlg. Bgurukan tenet je la.arap prof xgelakkan aku bila tgk UseCase diagram mcm peta strategi polis evo dah.
Aku xbrape sgt system, programming smua tu..aku payah sket nk hadam fact..but figures cepat..sbb tu aku banyak brrangan.berangan je lebih huhu..
Ni esok deepavali mana mau pigi?
Esaimen dah siap buat, betul ke x blakang kire kena celebrate dlu bhai sblm cont esaimen lain..
Cane tu...?hehe
I miss the one who once asked me
Jom tgk movie..
Or else wud ask,
"nak request movie mende lagi?"
Skang nk movie tggu org bagi je.huhu.
Ok2..hati kena tetap..
Slalu tgk movie asyik2 ketengahkan bahasa utara je kan. Baq mai skali org tranung ngan klate..tudiaaa..
Oke la.smart fun..
Logik ke tak blakang kire.
Alaaahh..citer mat saleh yg xlogik tu pon ko smpai mjerit2..xyah nk sembang sgt lah.
Talking about logik.aku baru siap berkhayal ttg structured english dlm asgmt system tu.
Mygudness dulu bleh tanya senior.skang sebelah depan blkg sumer budak library ko nk g arap sape?
Lectrer CS sorg pon aku xknal.cane nk mintak tlg. Bgurukan tenet je la.arap prof xgelakkan aku bila tgk UseCase diagram mcm peta strategi polis evo dah.
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Seb baik ade colleagues yg memahami So xyah naik stage konvo arini. Yes! |
Aku xbrape sgt system, programming smua tu..aku payah sket nk hadam fact..but figures cepat..sbb tu aku banyak brrangan.berangan je lebih huhu..
Ni esok deepavali mana mau pigi?
Esaimen dah siap buat, betul ke x blakang kire kena celebrate dlu bhai sblm cont esaimen lain..
Cane tu...?hehe
I miss the one who once asked me
Jom tgk movie..
Or else wud ask,
"nak request movie mende lagi?"
Skang nk movie tggu org bagi je.huhu.
Ok2..hati kena tetap..
When u got too excited about someting and u want to share about ur excitement..then u scroll ur whatsapp and....
And scroll...
And u just end up exit the app..
And go drink coffeee...
Does it mean u have nobody?
Happy lah ko sorg2..
Case 2:
When u got too excited about someting and u want to share about ur excitement..then ur text sumone on whatsapp or someting and the reply was just like : "owh,ok"..
Then u just owh ok jugak..
Does it mean u are meaningless to them?
They say act as what u want people act to you..wat goes around comes around kinda thing..
Dont make sense kadang2.
Maybe thats why people spread out their feelings thru social media..
But then, lain plak citernya nt..
Some will say - poyos, mcm dia sorg, kinda thing..
Then how?
*maybe aku tgh stress..abaikanlah
When u got too excited about someting and u want to share about ur excitement..then u scroll ur whatsapp and....
And scroll...
And u just end up exit the app..
And go drink coffeee...
Does it mean u have nobody?
Happy lah ko sorg2..
Case 2:
When u got too excited about someting and u want to share about ur excitement..then ur text sumone on whatsapp or someting and the reply was just like : "owh,ok"..
Then u just owh ok jugak..
Does it mean u are meaningless to them?
They say act as what u want people act to you..wat goes around comes around kinda thing..
Dont make sense kadang2.
Maybe thats why people spread out their feelings thru social media..
But then, lain plak citernya nt..
Some will say - poyos, mcm dia sorg, kinda thing..
Then how?
*maybe aku tgh stress..abaikanlah
Biarlah berpenat lelah hari ini..
Utk bersenang2 di hari esok..
Senang ke tidokkk aku pon tatau..hehe.
seminggu dua ni lalok je.
berapa kali dah hampir2 oren nk kiss keta org.
org bcakap pon dengar tak dengar je.
khayalan lebih.
alhamdulillah, now i have gathered almost 170 pcs of questionnaire..
dem i need lagi 200 respondents.
need to work hard bebeh!
This link is very helping me, nak tergelak pon ade dia punya penyataan penggunaan phrases tu.
good for those who writing term papers...yet.
know what, it has been 2 weeks and i dont manage to finish these 15 pages term paper..
as the title, conflict, now i has interpersonal conflict,
should i sleep or study.
It has long been known...
I didn't look up the original reference.
A definite trend is evident...
These data are practically meaningless.
Of great theoretical and practical importance...
Interesting to me.
While it has not been possible to provide definite answers to these questions...
An unsuccessful experiment, but I still hope to get it published.
Three of the samples were chosen for detailed study...
The results of the others didn't make any sense.
Typical results are shown...
The best results are shown.
These results will be shown in a subsequent report...
I might get around to this sometime if I'm pushed.
The most reliable results are those obtained by Jones...
He was my graduate assistant.
It is believed that...
I think.
It is generally believed that...
A couple of other people think so too.
It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of the phenomenon occurs...
I don't understand it.
Correct within an order of magnitude...
It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field...
This is a lousy paper, but so are all the others on this miserable topic.
Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to George Frink for valuable discussions...
Blotz did the work and Frink explained to me what it meant.
A careful analysis of obtainable data...
Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer.
good for those who writing term papers...yet.
know what, it has been 2 weeks and i dont manage to finish these 15 pages term paper..
as the title, conflict, now i has interpersonal conflict,
should i sleep or study.
It has long been known...
I didn't look up the original reference.
A definite trend is evident...
These data are practically meaningless.
Of great theoretical and practical importance...
Interesting to me.
While it has not been possible to provide definite answers to these questions...
An unsuccessful experiment, but I still hope to get it published.
Three of the samples were chosen for detailed study...
The results of the others didn't make any sense.
Typical results are shown...
The best results are shown.
These results will be shown in a subsequent report...
I might get around to this sometime if I'm pushed.
The most reliable results are those obtained by Jones...
He was my graduate assistant.
It is believed that...
I think.
It is generally believed that...
A couple of other people think so too.
It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of the phenomenon occurs...
I don't understand it.
Correct within an order of magnitude...
It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field...
This is a lousy paper, but so are all the others on this miserable topic.
Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to George Frink for valuable discussions...
Blotz did the work and Frink explained to me what it meant.
A careful analysis of obtainable data...
Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer.
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