
after a bz week, this week pon tidak kurang bznya.
i am exhausted dengan kerja-kerja opis dan duniawi.
ukhrawi yg sbnrnya menuntut kita melaksanakan simple2 routine kdg2 kita lupa sbb duk bz benda2 duniawi ini. na'uzubillah.

actually i am proud to announce that the research, which is small research that i addressed myself as the elaborator and content analyst (giler kan announce sendiri), is actually able to submit yesterday. rupanya tarikh submit is esok, and that supervisor is really proud since team dia, which is kitorg, able to finish it ontime. even aku rasa dia tak baca sgt pon mende ape aku tulis.
know what, aku merapu english grammar tunggang langgang but the doctor has ignored it.
dia kata yg penting isi, and the guideline kita ikut.
oh, senang juge buat research kalu gini gaya.
but for academic grading, i need one sem prepare for a proposal, and would cont the rest on this next sem, setahun kot kalo kira, azab.
patut laa kalo ikutkan Dr OT, takyah nak concern sgt psl kerapah2 things tu.

even the penerimaan aku tatau camana lagi, but proud to have the paper.

and now i litlle bit nervous nak sambung next semester with the chapter4 and 5.
scared to know the supervisor.

tadi ade kelas ngn part3, EE.aku tatau la depa paham dak aku ajor.
blur je blaka. aku rase msa aku part 3 dlu kala imej kitorg lagi matured dan kitorg lagi agresif bab-bab blaja ni. adekah zaman semakin memberi impak kepada behavior manusia.
manusia semakin manja dibelai oleh teknologi?
huhu.. harapnya kita akan ade pemimpin yg berkualiti di masa akan datang.
*wah, berjiwa patriotik sekali.

k bai.

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