the mess

i went home (kampung) last thursday for my weekend continue with merdeka holiday..
and i was shocked with two letters; one from LHDN and one from takaful.
very stressful since both consuming money and fines..
well, gaji baru masuk and these all stuffs coming, u must know the feeling rite.

aku cuba2 buat cool and went to cafes and jejalans with my sibs.
yes, that worked. and until yesterday i came to the dungun, met my hosmets and the routines.
faced the emcee texts for today ceremony.
sesampai je office aku mcm..."oke, take a deep breath, lepas...phew..and lets us handle these one by one"... scan all those docs and send the emel to the PIC kat hasil. then, after confirmation, she said, "oke puan, semua document cukup, and kita akan setelkan ini secepat mungkin..semua cukai bayaran yang dikenakan akan dibatalkan." glad to hear that, then i run the ceremony well.

and now, i try to call takaful but twice still engaged..huh.
hate that.
if the claim from the org yg langgar aku tu accepted, and i would be cursed on things yang tak spatutnya, siap laa.. i of course dont ever halalkan setiap sen yg aku kluarkan ni. h**l no! org dah berhabis macam2 ko buat sh**..mmg aku sumpah ko kna panah petir.
ko langgar aku, ko suh aku hold police report, aku buat smua.
atas dasar ksiankan ko. tuptup camni ko buat aku.

lets not trust anyone!

and the person kat sini pon tambah menyerabutkan aku.
eh, hal ko, ko takleh ke setel sndirik. emel penuh la, ko takleh attend la, itu masalah ko.
buleh tak jgn duk serabutkan aku.
ko igt ko sorg ade problem

i hate!

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